
Image: Lorna Softley

At the University of Oxford’s Green Impact and LEAF end-of-year showcase and celebration on the 9 July 2024, the School of Geography and the Environment earned Gold accreditation in the Green Impact awards for the second time and Silver accreditation for our Geolabs in the LEAF (Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework) scheme.

SoGE Students Embark on Water Adaptation Photojournalism Research Project

They say that education can take you to far-off places. For a team of five SoGE students, their master’s experience at SoGE led them to embark on a self-driven research expedition across India. The West Bengal Water Project is spearheaded by field team Raphaela Betz (MSc in Water Science, Policy, and Management), William Wallock (MSc in WSPM), Patrick Robichaud (MSc in WSPM), and Susana Higueras (MSc in Nature, Society, and Environmental Governance), as well as Victoria Taylor (MSc in WSPM) helping from afar. 

A group of people at a water project in West Bengal, India

Ashwini Petchiappan wins the Alfred Russel Wallace Prize

2023 MSc graduate Ashwini Petchiappan has won the Alfred Russel Wallace Prize for her dissertation research on The Impact of Climatic Oscillations on Bird Migrations. The prize is awarded once per year by the Examinations Board for the MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management for an outstanding dissertation. 

Photo of Ashwini Petchiappan

International Women's Day 2024: Who inspires you?

We are marking International Women’s Day – a time to reflect on the progress women have made and their ongoing fight for equality. The theme for IWD2024 is Inspire Inclusion. We asked SoGE students and staff to tell us about women who inspire them, and what they think inclusion means in the context of gender equality. They highlighted the influence and contributions of an incredible range of women, including activists, entertainers, academics, politicians, their own mothers, and many more. Here is what they had to say…

Mayli Hayes Villalba

Oxford researchers launch updated carbon offsetting principles

An interdisciplinary team of Oxford University researchers have today released an update to flagship guidance on credible and net zero aligned carbon offsetting, which has been used by hundreds of organisations since its publication in 2020.

Image: MUNTHITA / Adobe Stock

LGBTQ history month: celebrating queer memory in our cities

Cities are like archives. Through their architecture, street names, monuments, plaques and cultural heritage sites, we learn about what remains of the past. But who is remembered in public spaces, and who is kept forgotten? Dr Ammar Azzouz, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, explores the issue in an article for The Conversation.

Image: DrewTraveler / Adobe Stock

Green space vital to student wellbeing during COVID-19 pandemic

Research led by Dr Anaïs Lemyre from the School of Geography and the Environment, showed that access to green space played an important part in protecting the mental wellbeing of students when the country was in its third national COVID-19 lockdown.

Avenue of trees

SoGE climate research in the Kalahari Desert: the KAPEX field campaign

The Kalahari is warming at over twice the global rate, with climate projections indicating a gradual drying of the Kalahari, leading to more intense droughts. These trends present a profound threat to communities who have lived there for millennia and to the unique desert ecosystems. Over Christmas and New Year, a team of researchers from SoGE and University of Cape Town travelled to the Kalahari to retrieve some of the first detailed atmospheric observations from inside the Kalahari Desert in a bid to understand these troublesome climate trends.

SoGE climate research in the Kalahari Desert: the KAPEX field campaign

Oxford scientists launch ambitious roadmap for a circular carbon plastics economy

Researchers from the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Plastics, including Prof Richard Bailey, Professor of Environmental Systems, and researchers from the Smith School, have outlined ambitious targets to help deliver a sustainable and net zero plastic economy. In a paper published this week in Nature, the authors argue for a rethinking of the technical, economic, and policy paradigms that have entrenched the status-quo, one of rising carbon emissions and uncontrolled pollution.

Image: photka / Adobe Stock