
Image: Lorna Softley

At the University of Oxford’s Green Impact and LEAF end-of-year showcase and celebration on the 9 July 2024, the School of Geography and the Environment earned Gold accreditation in the Green Impact awards for the second time and Silver accreditation for our Geolabs in the LEAF (Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework) scheme.

SoGE awarded Gold and Silver at the Green Impact and LEAF awards 2024

At the University of Oxford’s Green Impact and LEAF end-of-year showcase and celebration on the 9 July 2024, the School of Geography and the Environment earned Gold accreditation in the Green Impact awards for the second time and Silver accreditation for our Geolabs in the LEAF (Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework) scheme.

Image: Lorna Softley

Avoidable deaths have increased: the damning data political parties aren’t discussing

One question that British voters may have asked themselves during the 2024 election campaign is whether they are any better off now than they were in 2010 when the Conservative-led coalition came to power. A recent poll reveals that most Britons (73%) think they are not. In The Conversation, Lucinda Hiam and Danny Dorling in the School of Geography and the Environment, delve deeper into avoidable deaths in the UK.  


In memoriam: Paulo de Souza

The School of Geography and the Environment (SoGE) is very saddened to hear the news that Paulo de Souza passed away on 17 June. We extend our deepest condolences to his family and friends.

Paulo de Souza

The next Government must act quickly on the social determinants of health

Whoever is in power on 5th July will have to act quickly to reverse the health crisis facing the country. It is surprising to see this missing from the political discourse given what we know. In key summary measures of population health, such as life expectancy and infant mortality (that measures the deaths of babies before their first birthday), the UK is faring extremely poorly. 

Stethoscope and patient file. Stock image from Canva.

New report states 7–9 billion tonnes of CO2 must be sustainably removed per year to hit climate targets

The 2024 State of Carbon Dioxide Removal report co-led by researchers at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment in the School of Geography and the Environment, finds that around 7–9 billion tonnes of CO2 per year will need to be removed by mid-century from the atmosphere if the world is to meet the 1.5°C Paris Agreement target.  The authors stress that reducing emissions is the primary way to achieve net-zero, but Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) has a critical role to play. 

Image: MUNTHITA / Adobe Stock