
Image: Lorna Softley

At the University of Oxford’s Green Impact and LEAF end-of-year showcase and celebration on the 9 July 2024, the School of Geography and the Environment earned Gold accreditation in the Green Impact awards for the second time and Silver accreditation for our Geolabs in the LEAF (Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework) scheme.

How is eco-stress affecting students?

MSc student, Raphaella Mascia, examines the unique challenges faced by students in Environment and Conservation, and the issues related to mental health, eco-stress, anxiety and grief.

Image: Freya Morris

Climate change is accelerating - and the UK government is 'strikingly unprepared'

Prof Sam Fankhauser writes for The Conversation, "The latest progress report from the Climate Change Committee (CCC) concerns the UK's preparedness for climate change, rather than progress toward net zero emissions, but it makes similar conclusions. The committee is scathing and has said that the country is 'strikingly unprepared'."

Image: Brian Jackson / Adobe Stock

New Living on a Changing Planet podcast series launched to unite climate change and mental health

Living on a Changing Planet is a new podcast series exploring people's emotional responses to climate change. Produced by Carter Powis (SoGE doctoral researcher and climate scientist), and Patrick Kennedy-Williams (a clinical psychologist), together they tackle the topic that's been missing from the climate conversation: whether you're an energy worker who's facing the loss of your job and ability to provide for your family, a youth activist afraid of what the future holds, or a nature-lover grieving the rapid ongoing destruction of our biosphere - how do you learn to live with it?

Living on a changing planet

How to talk to your family and friends about the new IPCC report - five tips from climate change communication research

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's latest report is a sobering read, which some describe as a "final warning" from scientists. It's important that people who already know about climate change and treat it seriously take proactive steps to speak with others about IPCC reports and climate change more generally. In an article for The Conversation, Josh Ettinger, doctoral candidate at SoGE, examines how to promote successful climate discussions among diverse groups of people.

Image: Esther Pueyo / Adobe Stock