
SoGE climate research in the Kalahari Desert: the KAPEX field campaign

The Kalahari is warming at over twice the global rate, with climate projections indicating a gradual drying of the Kalahari, leading to more intense droughts. These trends present a profound threat to communities who have lived there for millennia and to the unique desert ecosystems. Over Christmas and New Year, a team of researchers from SoGE and University of Cape Town travelled to the Kalahari to retrieve some of the first detailed atmospheric observations from inside the Kalahari Desert in a bid to understand these troublesome climate trends.

Living on a changing planet

Living on a Changing Planet is a new podcast series exploring people's emotional responses to climate change. Produced by Carter Powis (SoGE doctoral researcher and climate scientist), and Patrick Kennedy-Williams (a clinical psychologist), together they tackle the topic that's been missing from the climate conversation: whether you're an energy worker who's facing the loss of your job and ability to provide for your family, a youth activist afraid of what the future holds, or a nature-lover grieving the rapid ongoing destruction of our biosphere - how do you learn to live with it?