Resources for teachers and advisors

Please see below for a selection of resources which you might find useful. Subscribe to our mailing list to stay up-to-date with the latest information and resources.

Access, outreach, applications, and admissions

There are a numerous mentoring programmes and platforms for students from under-represented backgrounds. You might like to recommend that your students take a look at these websites to see if they are eligible.

Please note that this is not an official endorsement, these recommendations are for informational purposes only, and the School is not responsible for the quality of their services. Other third-party mentoring programmes are available.

Please see our webpages for prospective undergraduates for more student perspectives.


Debating Global Governance: "Model UNPO" role play
A role-play debating exercise for school groups on issues of human rights, conflict resolution, and environmental justice that is loosely based on Model UN simulations, developed by Prof Fiona McConnell and Dr Liam Saddington.

Debating global governance: resources to engage A level students with geopolitics
Dr Liam Saddington and Prof Fiona McConnell describe the 'Model UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization)', their simulation exercise designed to support the teaching and learning of global governance and geopolitics.

Geography in Outer Space
A guest blog written by Access and Outreach Officer Dan Hall on the question of whether Geographers should care about outer space, a topic stemming from his Masters research, on the Geography Southwest website. Geography Southwest is a website that aims to promote geography in the south-west of England and more broadly, and they have a variety of useful materials for teachers.

More Geography teaching resources coming soon!