These pages contain links to publications by members of the Geovisualization, Inequality and Space research group and their colleagues within the Transformations Research Cluster of the School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford.

Ben Hennig and Danny Dorling have brought these pages together first in 2015 with the help of Chris White. They contain work undertaken at the University of Oxford since 2013; as part of the Spatial and Social Inequalities Group (SASI) at the University of Sheffield since 2003; from the Universities of Leeds, Cologne (Germany), Canterbury (NZ), Bristol and Newcastle at earlier dates.

These pages have been set up to be a permanent resource to help others in teaching and researching Human Geography, especially when their interests concern issues of Visualization, Space and Spatial Inequality. For most of the books listed here there are sets of web pages giving access to resources such as original data, image files, audio and video files as well as slideshows in several cases.

The links on the right are to different collections of material that we intend to leave up in perpetuity. The Maps pages contain examples of our cartographic work and links to more examples and illustrations of contemporary human cartography and some examples of what it became possible to create in the nineties, noughties and more recently.

The Papers pages provide links to papers and other similar publications all published in the same year, or, in the cases if the 1990s, published in groups of years. In most cases a PDF of the paper is provided as well as a link to the original publication. Over times some of these links will begin to break.

For more information on our work see Benjamin Hennig's personal website, Mark Graham's website, and Danny Dorling's website and we hope you find these pages of use.