Dr Tony Lemon

Emeritus Research Fellow

Academic Profile

Dr Tony Lemon is an Emeritus Research Fellow of the School of Geography and the Environment, and has held Visiting Fellowships and Lectureships at several universities in South Africa and Zimbabwe. He regularly visits southern Africa to research, lecture and give conference papers. He was appointed as a Visiting Professor in Department of Politics, Princeton University between February and June 2007.

Tony is the only overseas fellow elected to membership of the Society of South African Geographers and delivered the Serton Memorial Lecture at their biennial meeting in 2003. Tony is an editorial board member for Urban Forum (Transaction Publishers, Rutgers U.). He has evaluated applications for professional promotion in South African and US universities, and regularly evaluates research applications for South Africa's National Research Foundation.

Tony initiated a British Council-funded link between the geography departments of Oxford, Sussex and Rhodes University, South Africa (2002-2005).

Tony's spare-time interests include wine (he runs his college cellar) and, to counter this, walking and squash. He is also a Church of England Lay Minister in the Oxford diocese.

Current Research

Dr Lemon's current research includes:

  • desegregation and resource allocation in post-apartheid education;
  • electoral geography and democratic consolidation in southern Africa;
  • Indian identities in South Africa;
  • Urban ethnic residential segregation / desegregation in South Africa; and
  • Ongoing interests include South African foreign policy, trade relations and regional integration; small states, especially Lesotho and Swaziland.

Selected Research Projects

  • Social geography of secondary school catchment areas in Cape Town
    In collaboration with Dr Jane Battersby (University of Cape Town); Financial support from Oppenheimer Fund; (2005-2009)
  • Democratic Consolidation in Southern Africa
  • Indian minority identity and post-apartheid transformation in South Africa
    Financial support from Oppenheimer Fund; (2002-2006)


Undergraduate Teaching

Dr Lemon taught the 'People, States and Territory' part of the 'Territories, States and Identities' lecture course of the Preliminary Examination. He also taught the option courses 'South and Southern Africa' and 'Political Geography of the European Union' for the Final Honour School. He was the organising tutor for undergraduates at Mansfield, Merton, and Wadham Colleges.

Postgraduate Teaching

Dr Lemon taught an optional course on 'South Africa: Apartheid, African Politics and the Transition since 1948' for the MSc in African Studies.