Publications and outputs

Morel, A., Demissie, S., Gonfa, T., Mehrabi, Z., Hirons, M., Woldemariam Gole, T., Mason, J., McDermott, C., Boyd, E., Robinson, E., Malhi, Y. and Norris, K. (no date) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment [Preprint].
Dorling, D. (no date) in How Compassion Can Transform Our Politics, Economy, and Society. Taylor & Francis, pp. 139–152.
1626043 - Economics
Dorling, D. (no date) in The Struggle for Social Sustainability. Bristol University Press, pp. 129–154.
1625905 - World population prospects at the UN: our numbers ...
Samimi-Namin, K., van Ofwegen, L., Hoeksema, B., Woodall, L., Schlochtern, M. and McFadden, C. (no date) Diversity, 14(11), p. 909.
1309919 - New Records of the Cryptogenic Soft Coral Genus St...
Schimanski, T., Bingler, J., Hyslop, C., Kraus, M. and Leippold, M. (no date) SSRN Electronic Journal.
1634272 - ClimateBERT-NetZero: Detecting and Assessing Net Z...
Schimanski, T., Reding, A., Reding, N., Bingler, J., Kraus, M. and Leippold, M. (no date) SSRN Electronic Journal.
1634408 - Bridging the Gap in ESG Measurement: Using NLP to ...
Muccione, V., Stammbach, D., Ni, J., Kraus, M., Bingler, J., Allen, S., Colesanti-Senni, C., Wekhof, T., Schimanski, T., Gostlow, G., Webersinke, N., Huggel, C., Wang, Q., Yu, T., Leippold, M. and Vaghefi, S. (no date) Research Square.
1634409 - ChatClimate: Grounding Conversational AI in Climat...
Vaghefi, S., Wang, Q., Muccione, V., Ni, J., Kraus, M., Bingler, J., Schimanski, T., Senni, C., Webersinke, N., Huggel, C. and Leippold, M. (no date) SSRN Electronic Journal.
1634410 - ChatClimate: Grounding Conversational AI in Climat...
Kraus, M., Bingler, J., Leippold, M., Schimanski, T., Senni, C., Stammbach, D., Vaghefi, S. and Webersinke, N. (no date) SSRN Electronic Journal.
1634411 - Enhancing Large Language Models with Climate Resou...
Adshead, D., Paszkowski, A., Gall, S., Peard, A., Adnan, M., Verschuur, J. and Hall, J. (no date) Nature Climate Change, pp. 1–9.
1770651 - Climate threats to coastal infrastructure and sust...