Dr Chloë Strevens and Dr Laurence Wainwright win Divisional Teaching Excellence Awards 2024

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Chloe Strevens and Lawrence


The School of Geography and the Environment's Dr Chloë Strevens and Dr Laurence Wainwright from the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, have won Divisional Teaching Excellence Awards.

The Divisional Teaching Awards formally recognise the outstanding contribution to teaching and learning and the academic development of students shown by colleagues across the Social Sciences Division.

Dr Strevens’ excellence is exemplified by her focus on inclusive teaching. This approach has been multifaceted by both designing accessible learning materials for students with disabilities as well as presenting a diverse range of voices within her teaching, such as inviting engaging speakers from the Global South. Chloë is currently working with the Centre for Teaching and Learning to diversify the summative assessment of the MSc Biodiversity, Conservation and Management to further promote a more inclusive and accessible course offering whilst enhancing the development of professional and real-world skills.

Dr Wainwright’s approach to creating an atmosphere where students can thrive has resulted in exceptional levels of group cohesion and camaraderie. Laurence focuses his attention on the development of team building, such as through activities undertaken during their field trip at the beginning of the course, as well as connecting with students before the course starts to ensure that they are comfortable asking questions. This has resulted in students reporting a high level of trust and openness which has further supported their own ability to grow within the course.

"To me, teaching excellence is about three things. First, creating an environment where each individual is able to fully manifest their academic, personal and social potential and unfold their unique journey through both academia and life. Second, fostering a cohort culture where everyone feels supported, valued, included, comfortable being themselves, and able to truly speak their mind with confidence and courage. Finally, developing a classroom culture where deep learning is the norm and critical analysis and nuance is the mindset of enquiry for framing and understanding phenomena."

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