Tina Christmann

Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Geography and the Environment - Degree completed in 2023

Supervisors: Professor Yadvinder Malhi and Dr Imma Oliveras

Revisiting the science and practice of ecosystem restoration in tropical mountains

Academic Profile

Tina is a German-Italian DPhil student passionate about the interactions between vegetation, climate and biodiversity. Her Dphil research investigates how ecosystem restoration in the tropics can be monitored and improved with satellite data. Specifically, she plans to apply her research on understudied tropical montane ecosystems, such as alpine grasslands and montane forests, to fill knowledge gaps in restoration research. Tina speaks six languages, has modelling skills in various software and likes to combine methodologies in a creative way.

Prior to her DPhil, Tina studied a Master in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management at Oxford. Her master's research focussed on the functional ecology and conservation of tropical montane ecosystems in South America's Atlantic Forest. Before that Tina did a bachelor in Ecology and Environmental planning in Berlin and researched the interactions between grassland phenology and the urban heat island - a project that planted the seed for her enthusiasm on ecosystem science. Tina was a high-performance rower for the German National Team and has a great passion for outdoor endurance sport.

Selected Publications

Tina Christmann
Environmental Change Institute