Pisca Tias
Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Geography and the Environment
Supervisor: Dr Constance McDermott
Member: Ecosystems Governance Group, Environmental Change Institute
Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Geography and the Environment
Supervisor: Dr Constance McDermott
Member: Ecosystems Governance Group, Environmental Change Institute
Empirical assessment of the interlinkages between forest ecosystem provisioning services and rural community resilience and adaptation to climate change
Academic Profile
Pisca's DPhil research will focus on investigating the interlinkages between ecosystems and community resilience and adaptation to climate change. Specifically, she will assess if having the rights to manage forest and its resources contributes to community resilience and adaptation. Pisca will also look at different types of social forestry schemes in Indonesia, which determine access (and management rights) to forest land and/or resources, to evaluate if there is any difference in their impact on rural community climate resilience and adaptive capacity.
Prior to her DPhil, Pisca studied a Master of Public Administration in Development Practice at Columbia University, New York, USA. She has been working with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for over six years, supporting various countries in Asia and the Pacific to design and implement biodiversity and conservation related programmes, funded by the Global Environmental Facility (the GEF).