Marcus Spiegel

Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Geography and the Environment - Degree completed in 2023

Supervisor: Professor Marc Macias-Fauria

Influence of reindeer herbivory on Arctic ecosystem structure and functioning across spatial and temporal scales

Academic Profile

Marcus completed his degree in 2023. He is interested in how ecosystems are changing at the interface between local societies and earth system processes. His DPhil research focused on the Yamal Peninsula, West Siberia, Russia, where the Indigenous Nenets manage the world's largest domesticated reindeer herds. He is studying how reindeer, the only large herbivore still widespread in the Arctic, affect tundra vegetation, with implications for local and global carbon cycle feedbacks. His work uses remote sensing imagery, carbon flux chamber measurements, and spatial modeling, and he collaborates with field anthropologists.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles