Lena Easton-Calabria
Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Geography and the Environment
Supervisors: Dr Constance McDermott
Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Geography and the Environment
Supervisors: Dr Constance McDermott
From Extraction to Refining: A Multi-nodal Analysis of Gold Production Governance, Sustainability, and Livelihoods in Peru and Switzerland
Academic Profile
Lena Easton-Calabria is a geographer and interdisciplinary scientist whose portfolio of work spans the social and physical sciences. As a DPhil student at the University of Oxford, Easton-Calabria studies the environmental governance of the gold supply chain from the Peruvian Amazon rainforest to Switzerland. Easton-Calabria is part of the University of Oxford’s Environmental Change Institute at the School of Geography and the Environment.
Easton-Calabria began a DPhil after working in Washington, DC for six years with The Nature Conservancy and the RAND Corporation. As an analyst at RAND, Easton-Calabria’s research spans climate adaptation and data tools, environmental justice, environmental health, extreme weather, and disaster preparedness and response. Easton-Calabria was previously a National Geographic Emerging Explorer and Mary Gates Scholar and led independent research in the Amazon rainforest for three years. Her research focused on climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in remote Indigenous communities of Peru and Bolivia.
Easton-Calabria holds an Honours BA in Medical Anthropology and Global Health from the University of Washington and an MSc Distinction in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford.