Ewan Archer-Brown

Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Geography and the Environment

Supervisors: Dr Tina Fawcett and Dr Jake Barnes

Investigating governance innovations towards rapid sufficiency-oriented residential heat decarbonisation in the UK

Academic Profile

Ewan is a DPhil student in the Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography and Environment at the University of Oxford. Ewan’s research investigates the institutional structures and governance arrangements involved in constraining and enabling various outcomes for heat transitions in the UK. He is funded by the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions’ Interdisciplinary Energy Demand Scholarship.

Ewan has a background in Sociology (Undergraduate MA Hons The University of Edinburgh) and Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research (Postgraduate MRes The University of Bristol). His previous work has focused on the potential role of energy demand reduction in net zero policymaking in European nations.

Ewan Archer-Brown
Environmental Change Institute