Dong-Li Hong

Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Geography and the Environment - Degree completed in 2024

Supervisor: Professor Jamie Lorimer

Atmosphere as a means of governing life: weather modification and ecological conservation in Sanjiangyuan, China

Academic Profile

Dong-Li is a DPhil student whose current research interests focus on environmental governance, biopolitics, and atmospheres. Prior to joining Oxford, Dong-Li worked at the Department of Geography, National Taiwan University where he conducted researches on environmental governance. Dong-Li holds an MSc in Building and Planning and a BS in Geography from National Taiwan University. His Master thesis examines the co-evolving of communication technologies and the urbanisms in Taiwan. His undergraduate dissertation investigates the economic geography of Taiwanese textile companies in the global production network, and how they interact with the institutional environment.

Awards and Funding

  • China Times Young Scholar Award (2018), China Times Cultural Foundation
  • Government scholarship to study abroad (2018-19), Ministry of Education, Taiwan

Current Research

His doctoral thesis explores the biopolitics of weather modification and how atmospheres becomes a means of governing life. This work empirically focuses on a weather modification project which aims at ecological conservation at the Sanjiangyuan region in Qinghai, China. He aims to identify the various means through which the atmospheres come to be the subject of human modification, and how these humanised atmospheres come to shape the lived experience of a range of human and nonhuman actors as the science and practise of weather modification takes place. This research aims to connect current literature on environmental modes of biopolitics, with work in non-representational theory on atmospheres and affect, and to develop the idea of 'atmospheric biopolitics/governance.' This research has the potential to contribute to current concerns about climate change and the advent of the Anthropocene, and how those discourses are being mobilised to legitimate large scale plans for geoengineering.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

Dong-Li Hong